Business Transformation Book Café
Welcome to the Book Café:
where business transformation
meets cyberspace!

In the relaxed atmosphere of the Café you can discover and share new vantage points and lenses to look at the tangled business, technical and social issues of knowledge management, virtual enterprising, intelligent organizations, communities of practice, intellectual capital, organizational learning and related topics.

You can approach the authors, have a look at their books, or engage them in simulated conversations about their work. There are a variety of ways to communicate with authors and other visitors, as well as a variety of resources on the subject of business transformation.

The Café is meant to be a place you return to regularly to see what's new -- new books, new authors, a calendar of events, even "live" appearances by authors. It is also a knowledge vortex of ideas and practices building on each other, spinning out co-creative dialogues and actions, spinning in new insights and a growing, shared intelligence.

Come to experience firsthand the excitement of the most momentous transformation of present history: the transformation of organizations from places where people make a living, into places where people and their communities have a life they choose. Enter the Book Café, where more is brewing than great virtual coffee.

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Current Books

The Community Building Anthology
5th Generation Management by Charles Savage
The Intelligence Advantage by Michael D. McMaster

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