"The fax machine brought down the Berlin Wall. The World-Wide Web will help us bring down all those walls and ceilings that keep us insulated from our individual and collective genius locked up in 'command-and-control' thinking and structures."
Bill Veltrop, International Centre for Organization Design

"Just as the human body is organized around a neural network so complex as to defy description, so too, are electronic communication systems emerging and interconnecting into an equally complex, economic and social neural-network, around which institutions would be forced to reorganize."
Dee W. Hock, founder of VISA International


is to create and nourish a space in which

a virtual community of community builders

can meet and grow collective intelligence and wisdom,

in a way that will maximize our contribution to the transformation

of waste and pain caused by obsolete organizational processes and structures

into the energy, dignity, connectedness, and joy of working in community.

We welcome feedback and any support to enable us to meet that purpose.

Where to go from here:
Choose one of the pop-up menus, then an option from it, and click the "GO" button next to it.
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The Community in the Workplace Website is a project of is a project of
Vision Nest Publishing
Last updated by webmaster, February 7, 1999