Robert A. Mang

Robert A. MANG

wrote the chapter:
Principles for Sustainability.

Robert A. Mang has broad experience in business and public policy. He founded Heritage Homes and Investments of Palo,. Alto, California real estate investment and development company, was a principle owner of RealAction. a corporate relocation service company, program director of the National Committee on U.S.- China Relations and senior program officer of the Salk Institute's Biology and Human Affairs Program. He is currently a consultant for strategic planning and organizational development.

In a civic capacity, he chairs the World Business Academy's Sustainable Economy Project, is chairman of the International Rivers Network, and serves on boards of the WBA and Living Structures, a Santa Fe environmental development company. He also chaired a Santa Clara County Housing Task Force was a commissioner on Bay Vision 2020 (a nine-county San Francisco Bay Area regional planning panel), and president of Greenbelt Alliance.

He and his wife Pamela live in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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