Robert A. Mang has broad experience in business and public policy. He founded Heritage Homes and Investments of Palo,. Alto, California real estate investment and development company, was a principle owner of RealAction. a corporate relocation service company, program director of the National Committee on U.S.- China Relations and senior program officer of the Salk Institute's Biology and Human Affairs Program. He is currently a consultant for strategic planning and organizational development.
In a civic capacity, he chairs the World Business Academy's Sustainable Economy Project, is chairman of the International Rivers Network, and serves on boards of the WBA and Living Structures, a Santa Fe environmental development company. He also chaired a Santa Clara County Housing Task Force was a commissioner on Bay Vision 2020 (a nine-county San Francisco Bay Area regional planning panel), and president of Greenbelt Alliance.
He and his wife Pamela live in Santa Fe, New Mexico.