
for Best Known Methods of Community Webweaving

Social, Knowledge, Technology and Organic design

This page is under continous construction.

Social design includes

Engaging story line

A site should awaken our sense of being part of an exciting larger story.
A changing, continuously unfolding storyline will attract frequent repeat visits.

Enticing interaction design

Good interaction design is evocative; it triggers increasing levels communication, collaboration and coordination among its users.
Interactivity ranges from mail-to forms and one-way surveys, to the higher levels of hyperconferencing, MUDs, and online transactions.

Effective tools and methods for growing a community

We won't give you a description of this factor of social design in successful community webweaving. Instead we offer a link to the Community Building: Renewing Spirit and Learning in Business. In this book's table of contents you can visit online chapters and find good descriptions of various tools and methods for cultivating community at the workplace.

Excellent value added to community stakeholders

The website should serve the needs and aspirations of all its stakeholders: visitors, users and members. For example, up-to-date news-to-use from the cutting edge of a subject or topic important to the community.

Knowledge, Technology and Organic design

Knowledge design should contain these elements and attrbutes:

Great content

Unique and well-edited
Light and profound
Changing and growing in value, by commentary and continually added links
Have comprehensive scope and depth or unique and strong point of view

Convenient and effective information retrieval

Clear and fully functioning navigational maps and signposts

with well-conceived icons that imprint memory and clearly marked trails

Collaborative intelligence support tools

Software tools are available that enable of the community's collaborative intelligence to express itself through knowledge networking, shared memory, co-authoring.

Visual language

The site's visual language should allow the easy absorption of complex information. For example, informative icons and 3D-charts and colors.

Visualizing a personal and/or collective "information web"

Social, Technology and Organic design

Technology design

Interacting with objects, simulation, applets

Interface attractiveness

The use of 3D space and VRML

Automatic generation of "knowledge-gaining connections"

Dynamic images (animation, video sequences)

Social, Knowledge and Organic design

Organic design

Concentric circles (pebbles thrown in the pond)

Hexagon of honey comb and snow crystals

Spiral as in vortex, cyclone, and galaxies

The four directions of the compass

The cycle of seasons

Social, Knowledge and Technology design

Where to go from here:
Choose one of the pop-up menus, then an option from it, and click the "GO" button next to it.
If your browser doesn't support forms click here for a table of links.

The BKM of Community webweaving is a project of Vision Nest Publishing
Last updated February 7, 1999 by webmaster