There is also an archive of last years comments
Just found you in my quest to "break down the walls" at work and increase our internal community spirit. I am a senior manager of this growing, progressive company. We consider relationships to be the key to success - relationships with all employees, customers, shareholders, etc. I would like to learn how to demolish the wall between manufacturing and administration; between finance and manufacturing; between various teams - all composed of great, smart folks!
From: Linda Polin
Organization: Pepperdine Univ. - Grad Sch of Educ & Psych
On: Wed Jul 24, 1996
I am making your website required reading for my Fall masters and doctoral courses courses on learning and technology, along with Lave & Wenger's Situated Learning.
From: Steve Fortier
Organization: CommuniTeam, Inc. and Excelsior Experiential Training and Consulting, Inc.
On: Sat Aug 17 1996
The entire concept and structure are incredible. I will certainly let friends and colleagues know about it. We've talked about the need for such a place to connect and synergize. The Virtual Room, although yet to visit fully, is the main draw for me.
From: Bill Cecil
Organization: Blue Ridge Community Action
On: Sun Aug 18 1996
Our great need, closing the divisive last years of the '90s is to discover a path that can lead us to an understanding of our places of work as places of both sacredness and of sanctuary.
From: Brian Roberts
Organization: Corning Costar Corporation
On: Fri Aug 23 1996
I am fascinated that there are others who are swimming against the tide for what they believe in. Thank you for the opportunity to become part fo the community. It is easy to think you are alone.
One small bone to pick; I should be able to order books directly thru the web site with a credit card.
From: Jim Mitchell
Organization: Mitchell Group
I'm tickled pink to find you and have access to soooooo much info. Your authors and friends and some not firends yet. Looking forward to more reading and connections. It takes some time to retrieve your info. Can we speeds things up a bit?
I have been working with a group out of Maine, the Center for Consensual Democracy and will continue efforts there. Working with churches and their lay governing bodies.
I'll keep checking in.
Thanks for your efforts.
From: Paul Groff
Organization: Open Software Foundation
On: Mon Nov 25 1996
Very impressed with what I have seen so far! Keep up the great work!
And, thanks for being willing to share it via this medium. I am a manager in a high-tech company and very interested in the community building ideas you present here. I am also a grad student in the Critical & Creative Thinking dept. at UMass/Boston. My particular area of interest is in the development of communities of dialogue.
From: Wiley Chin
On: Sun Dec 1 1996
I have read most of Mr Scott Peck's books and they have touched in a special kind of way. I am trying to seek a way to acquire the facillitation skills for Community Building and am sourcing for suggestions and pointers from people who know how to go about this.
Thank you and may we have a better world...
From: Lawrence Cozzens
Organization: SmithKline Beecham
On: Sun Jan 5 1997
Great resource list.
Very good to know that I am on the same track as others interested this field.
Will add other resources from my Ph.D studies at Fielding Institute.
Looking forward to staying connected.
From: Angela Hays
Organization: Indiana Step Ahead Office - FSSA
What a wonderful find! I have been looking for sites to share with community developers across our state and have hit gold. I look forward to getting more involved and wish to help build this site. I willcertainly keep in touch!
From: Laura Loppnow
Organization: Galtier Magnet School of Science, Math, & Tech.
On: Thu Jan 23 1997
Hi! I was so happy to find your sight! I am enrolled in a graduate certificate course for teaching and technology. Our first assignment was to find a websight dedicated to community building. You are just what I was looking for! Thanks!
From: Emily Hoyer
On: Mon Feb 3 1997
for a very detailed directory of community-building economic resources, check out the community currencies page at