Best Known Methods
of Community Webweaving
- a solutions matrix -
WELCOME to the emerging field of Community Webweaving:
the art and science of empowering communities
to create the future they want,
by augmenting their self-organizing collaborative intelligence,
with electronic and social technologies.
The PURPOSE of this website is to give access to, and embody some of best practices in Community Webweaving. For it to grow and evolve, we need your involvement.
Community webweaving is about integrating and synergizing four kinds of webs the people web, the knowledge web, the technology web and the organic design web:
To The Matrix
- a web of people sharing a common mission or discipline or geography.
- a web of knowledge measured by the community's capability to meet new challenges and opportunities.
- a web of technology - a blend of hardware, software and protocols designed to provide the community with a robust nervous system.
- a web of organic design principles and practices
One of our related webpages is about web-publishing as community building. Reviewing it will reveal some of the guiding principals of our action.
You can INTERACT with visitors, users, and members of this website, by choosing any of these options:
- Nominate a website representing the best webweaving methods you came across in any of the four domains listed in the matrix. Only those nominations will be accepted that clearly spells out the criteria based on which the nomination was made.
The BKM of Community Webweaving is a project of Vision Nest Publishing
Last updated February 7, 1999 by Gabor Pór