Category: Drupal

Drupal Learning Journal 8. Image styles in Drupal 7

My next entry in this series will be about my lessons learned from Using Drupal’s chapter 7, which is about building a photo gallery. Meanwhile my dilemma of whether to focus on Drupal 6 or 7 came to the forefront, because at the same time I just watched a video that shows how much better Drupal 7’s image handling is. The video...

Drupal Learning Journal 7. “Using Drupal” – Chapter 6 – Workflow

The authors of Using Drupal explained how Workflows can be managed in Drupal. Just like with the wiki, I don’t see any immediate practical use of this feature, as none of the projects I am workig on (or thinking about doing) requiers it. But it is certainly a legitimate need for many websites that are managed by team to have a...

Drupal Learning Journal 6. “Using Drupal” – Chapter 5 – Wiki

Chapter 5 of Using Drupal was about creating a Wiki with Drupal. I don’t foresee right now that I would do that for any of my own sites, but you never know what a client might ask, so it’s good to know about it. The book’s authors’ assessment is that there was not a single complete wiki package at the time of writing,...

Drupal Learning Journal 5. "Using Drupal" – Chapter 4 – Product reviews

Chapter 4 of Using Drupal covered the process of building a product review site that automatically pulled in content from Amazon via its API. Here is what I learned from the process: Page 151 mentions the URL where contrib modules that add rating and voting capabilities are listed. The URL from the book is no longer working, but I figured out the...

Drupal Learning Journal 4. “Using Drupal” – Chapter 3 – Job board

The third chapter of “Using Drupal” covered the CCK and Views modules, which I played with quite a bit in the last two weeks, so there weren’t any major learning points here for me. Here are the minor ones though: Both CCK and Taxonomy can create select lists. The differences (page 96): – Taxonomies are for categories. Nevver make a CCK...

Drupal Learning Journal 3. “Using Drupal” – Chapter 2 – Jumpstart

I borrowed two Drupal books from the library. “Using Drupal” was published in 2009, so it’s not that out of date. O’Reilly, the publisher, issues consistently great books, so I wasn’t hesitant to get this one. Not to mention that this was the latest non Drupal 7 book the local public library had. (The other book I got is for...

Drupal Learning Journal 2. Theming, CSS, Permissions, PHP array

As I mentioned I am working on increasing my Drupal skills by doing and learning. I did some passive learning by watching videos. 1. I finished watching Lullabot’s “Theming Basics For Drupal” It is a great DVD, I strongly recommend it. I obviously didn’t master everything I’ve seen yet, but I feel I have a great overview of how theming...

Drupal Learning Journal 1. Past, Present, Future

I mentioned in the previous post that my goal of becoming a proficient Drupal developer and that I will document the journey of getting there. Here is where I am now. I know 1. how Drupal 6 is structured 2. how to to handle routine tasks within Drupal 6 3. how to set up up anything that is within the...