Tagged: google

SEO daily links + CSS absolute positioning + Photoshop paths

I am just slight ashamed to admit the two things I’ve learned today. I have studied how positioning works in CSS, but never really tested it. Today I had to to use absolute positioning for a website, so finally I had a chance to put in practice, whet theoretically I already knew. It was a pleasure to see it workings...

SEO daily links + mobile devices + landing page

The best skill I learned today: how to make and what’s important for a landing page, “any page on a website where traffic is sent specifically to prompt a certain action or result.” The most egoistic fun I had today: checked myyself at socialstatistics.com, a site that tracks and sorts Google+ users based on the number of their “friends” and “followers.” If this is...

End of an Amazon account

According to my records I had an affiliate account at Amazon.com since at least the beginning of 2000. It might have been earlier, but that’s when I first got payment from them. (An affiliate account allows linking to Amazon.com and earning a fee when somebody follows that link and buys something there.) On June 29 I received an email from Amazon stating...

SEO sources and daily links + Google+

To start off my new SEO career I read a book (The Art of SEO) and started to follow these three blogs: Search Engine Land, Blumenthals and SEOmoz. I read these daily and from now on I plan to post links to the more interesting pieces, particularly if I have a comment or observation about them. I know that there are...

Google Analytics advanced segmentation and IQ test

Today I finally learned something that I knew was possible, but never needed to figure out the specifics: “Google Analytics Advanced Segmentation.” First I want to share some definition so the previous four words would mean something to you if it doesn’t. “Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and...