Tagged: seo

Webcast: Google in the Real World: How Links Boost Your Rankings

Yesterday, February 7, 2012, I attended a webcast titled “Google in the Real World: How Links Boost Your Rankings“. It was presented by Stephan Spencer for O’Reilly, who published his book “The Art of SEO” three years ago. The books 2nd edition is coming out in March. This webcast was much better than the one I listened to 2 months...

Average of Highests

Ever since I started to check at Google’s Webmaster Tools (and more recently in Google Analytics) how my sites are performing at Google itself (meaning where they show up for what keywords for how many searches) I was fascinated with the numbers. But it seemed illogical that in the cumulative data they showed the average of averages. E.g. if for...

SEO sources and daily links + Google+

To start off my new SEO career I read a book (The Art of SEO) and started to follow these three blogs: Search Engine Land, Blumenthals and SEOmoz. I read these daily and from now on I plan to post links to the more interesting pieces, particularly if I have a comment or observation about them. I know that there are...

Google Analytics advanced segmentation and IQ test

Today I finally learned something that I knew was possible, but never needed to figure out the specifics: “Google Analytics Advanced Segmentation.” First I want to share some definition so the previous four words would mean something to you if it doesn’t. “Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and...

Becoming an SEO developer

A few weeks ago I started to work in a new, non-full-time position at PBHS as an SEO developer. As I never did such work before I have a lot to learn. I will try to keep track of my learning here, on my blog. I suspect that I cannot write down everything I do as a lot of the...