Got my Google Analytics Individual Qualification
This morning I passed my Google Analytics Individual Qualification, also known as Google Analytics IQ test or GAIQ. My listing on the official site proves it, so does the GoogleIQ Certifiate.
I’ve been using Google Analytics on my personal site since late 2007, but only started to explore its more advanced options since last June, when I got a job as an SEO developer. But I never had to use its e-commerce/AdWords related options so for the questions related to those areas on the test I had to do more research.
Here is what helped to passed the test. These worked for me, may not work for you and you may find similar information on other sites too. I list them in order of helpfulness, top being the most helpful in preparing and passing the exam.
- I played with GA a lot on my own to understand how the features work.
- I watched every video of the official GAIQ Lessons. Paused where necessary to explore it in GA itself.
- I crammed. The day before I read/studied a lot.
- I studied thoroughly Slingshot’s “How to Pass the Google Analytics IQ Test” PDF that I found at this SEOMoz’s blog entry and is also linked from SlongShot’s site.
- I went through every question at If you don’t have to take the test right now, you may want to wait a week or two as their FAQ says “The questions are in the process of being updated for Google Analytics 5. The full update is scheduled for completion by March 31, 2012.“
- I browsed through Justin Cutroni’s Google Analytics book, published by O’Reilly.
Here is what I kept open during this “open book” exam (How long will we call it “open book’ even thought I had no printed books open?)
- My Google Analytics account
- The downloaded version of a 175 page PDF from SlideShare that had most of the text and pictures from the GAIQ Lessons videos. It is 18 months old now, so portions of it might be a bit out of-date.
- Regex tool for IP address range
- Jen Sorenson’s detailed notes.
- The page of the Google Analytics API that lists all the methods used in Google Analytics Tracking Code.
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