Category: Books

Drupal in Libraries book and website

Last month I mentioned that a new book is coming out by Ken Varnum, titled Drupal in Libraries. Now that the date is closer a whole new website has been launched for it, built in Drupal of course: The site has a (currently empty) forum and the best news is that a sample chapter is available: Planning Drupal Development in Libraries

Drupal in Libraries

I got my MLIS March 2008 and started actively working with Drupal a year after that. (I say “actively”, because in 2006 I did a bit of configuration on a  Drupal 4.7 site, but not for long.) However I never focused my efforts to learn how these two passions of mine, Library science and Drupal, relate to each other. I wanted to,...

End of a Barnes and Noble account

Last week I posted a note how my account ended. There I mentioned my attempt to set up a  Barnes and Noble account as a substitute. Well, that didn’t live long. I received this email from them today: Dear Publisher, Thank you for your continued support of the Barnes & Noble Affiliate Program. Barnes & Noble has made the...

Byron….: Using Drupal (2008)

I never reviewed a technology book before that I studied from. All the books I wrote about have been either fiction or non-fiction that I read or studied for my school. But I didn’t have any formal schooling related technology, at least not on the coding level. (We did some basic HTML and XML when I studied for my MLIS, but by...