Category: Drupal

Drupal Learning Journal 17. Learning OG

Fear is a bad advisor. I have been afraid of starting to work with Organic Groups (OG), because I’ve heard that it is so complex. Before I go further let me share OG’s official description : “[It is a Drupal module that enables] users to create and manage their own ‘groups’. Each group can have subscribers, and maintains a group home page...

Drupal Learning Journal 16. Interests field in profiles

I was asked to make the “interests” field of the user profiles in a Drupal 7 sites pivoting, i.e. a way to enable users to find other users with the same interests. Sounds simple doesn’t it? It wasn’t so. 1. First of all the existing “interests” field contained long sentences that the users filled in. Not exactly easy to “pivot.” OK, we...

Drupal Learning Journal 15. Panels

Last week a client asked me to split vertically the first, sticky entry on a Drupal site for logged in users and put replace the right side with a nature image. My immediate reply was that I don’t know how to do that. (So, instead of creating a new block for the image I just placed the image straight into...

Drupal Learning Journal 14. Nice Menus

A few weeks ago I was involved in moving a Drupal 7 site from a host where D7 was available for users when while it was still in beta to another commercial host, which was one of the first one to offer it, when D7 came out of beta. Unfortunately, lots of features and aspects of the sites got broken...

Byron….: Using Drupal (2008)

I never reviewed a technology book before that I studied from. All the books I wrote about have been either fiction or non-fiction that I read or studied for my school. But I didn’t have any formal schooling related technology, at least not on the coding level. (We did some basic HTML and XML when I studied for my MLIS, but by...

Drupal Learning Journal 13. "Using Drupal" – Chapter 11 – Theming

Chapter 11 of Using Drupal, is ab out theming which assumes working knowledge of PHP and CSS. I have the former, but not the latter (yet). This the time, when I wish I could keep this library book longer. But somebody has it on reserve, so I had to relinquish it in 3 days. As I didn’t have time to play...

Drupal Learning Journal 12. "Using Drupal" – Chapter 10 – Online Store

I finally reached Chapter 10 of Using Drupal, where I can learn some of the secrets of how to set up an e-commerce site/online store, with the help Ubercart. I started to work on a site a few months ago, but had to abandoned. Hopefully after reading this chapter I can go back to it. I will be taking more notes...

Drupal Learning Journal 11. "Using Drupal" – Chapter 9 – Event management

Chapter 9 of Using Drupal is about event management. Instead of using the Event module they authors went for the using CCK with Date and Calendar modules (both under active development for Drupal 7). Here are my learning points from the chapter: The Signup module is designed for tracking event attendance. (Page 313) I found no mention of a possible Drupal 7...

Drupal Learning Journal 10. "Using Drupal" – Chapter 8 – Multilingual site

Chapter 8 of Using Drupal starts of with a few definition. Internationalization, abbreviated as i18n, “is the underlying structure that allows software to be adapted to different languages.” Localization, abbreviated as l10n, “the process of actually translating the software for use by a specific locale.” (page 269) The Locale module (pat of core) can take care of the translation of most,...

Drupal Learning Journal 9. "Using Drupal" – Chapter 7 – Photo Gallery

Chapter 7 of Using Drupal explains the details of building a Photo Gallery. As mentioned in the previous post Drupal 7 has pretty good image handling in the core, so some of the things I learned here are immediately obsolete. (Except that there are a lot of Drupal 6 sites out there.) I used ImageField module in the past, without really knowing that this is...