Table Of Contents of the
Community Building anthology

We keep adding chapters from the book to our website as the authors are sending them to us, so come back soon and check them.

You can read the linked (underlined) chapters by clicking onto them.

  1. A Global Context for the Re-emergence of Community

  2. The Corporate Community

  3. Skills and Practices in Community Building for Organizations

  4. Interpersonal Dimensions of Community

  5. Technology: A Tool in a New Role

  6. Structural Dimensions of Community

  7. Case Studies and Applications

  8. Conclusion


1, A Global Context for the Re-emergence of Community

2, The Corporate Community

3, Skills and Practices in Community Building for Organizations

4, Interpersonal Dimensions of Community

5, Technology: A Tool in a New Role

6, Structural Dimensions of Community

7, Case Studies and Applications


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The Community in the Workplace Website is a project of Vision Nest Publishing
Last updated February 7, 1999 by webmaster