Tagged: Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks: Unscary Tech (Rennick, Rand-Hendriksen, Byrne)

Choosing the Right Theme by Andrea Rennick Official description: How to find a theme for your blog, where to look, what to look for and what kinds of themes are out there. My notes: What theme can I use if I want a blog? Anything for any purpose. Standard features. Themes are dressing up your content. Posts remain the same,...

Lightning Talks: UX/UI Joseph O’Connor, Dave Martin

Notes from two talks at San Francisco WordCamp 2014: Accessible UX and Remote Testing by Joseph O’Connor Official description: Disabled users help uncover interesting behaviors when Accessible User Experience (UX) research methods are applied to WordPress. Results are very instructive and apply to many use cases. Eric Wright: testing “make new post” Amanda Rush: Cisco academy for the vision impaired, WordPress...

Lightning Talks: WordPress in Context John Eckman, Rachel Baker, Jeremy Felt

Notes from 3 “Lightning Talks” on the topic of “WordPress in Context“ Learning From the Other 78% by John Eckman Official description: Many of us in the WordPress community focus exclusively on the platform. But what can we learn from those who, for a variety of reasons, aren’t (or aren’t yet) using WordPress? What can those outside our community teach...