Six Techniques to Boost Confidence (for Self-Promotion)

If you came here to learn practical tips focus on the six points below. I gathered them from Google Digital Garage’s course titled “Build confidence with self-promotion”  If you want a bit more context then read on. If you have 17 minutes do the free course yourself.

Staircase image with Six Techniques to Boost Confidence (for Self-Promotion)

So without further due here are six simple yet great ways to increase your self-esteem:

  1. Make a list starting with “I am remarkable because…”
  2. Create a (professional) accomplishment list
  3. Ask friends and colleagues what they value about you
  4. Practice talking passionately about your skills, talents, and past achievements
  5. Confidence backpack: Put all the things you are really proud of in a mental backpack. Then when you go into a situation where you are nervous or you are concerned remember them.
  6. Power pose: Stand with your feet firmly on the floor, and your hands on your hips. It changes your physiology, helps you feel more confident.
Self Confidence Book: How To Boost Self Confidence Book: Self-Confidence Meaning

The six points above proved to be the essence of the course for me.  However, focusing only on the “hows” is missing the context of the course: The purpose to boost self-confidence is to do better self-promotion. For that one needs to understand what self-promotion is and why it is difficult yet important. All of these topics were addressed in the three, 3 minutes long videos that make up the course. These videos are available on YouTube and anybody can watch them, even without taking the course, just click on the titles here:

  1. Introduction to self-promotion
  2. Explore what makes you stand out
  3. How to practice self-promotion

From all the important lessons from these videos these are the main ones: Self-promotion

  • is something that you need to exercise just like a muscle;
  • is about educating the relevant people about the skills and values that you can bring to the organization;
  • can help you reveal your untapped potential;
  • feels icky because culturally some people find it really difficult to show off and promote themselves.

Now go on and self-promote without feeling bad about it!

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