Roundup of Generative AI/ChatGPT/Prompt Engineering related resources – May 29, 2023

This is the first post of a (self-)educational series of posts trying to keep abreast of AI related resources. It is also a chronological repository of what I may want to be able to find again in the future.

Roundup of Generative AI/ChatGPT/Prompt Engineering related resources - May 29, 2023

Do We Need Librarians Now that We Have ChatGPT?

by Valerie Forrestal on May 15, 2023, in

A useful summary of how ChatGPOT is/can be used in the library, how it relates to information literacy, and ethical issues. Quote

Librarians are uniquely equipped to leverage the technology where best, and to combat the threat of misinformation generated by LLMs. Concerning information literacy, AI-generated content is no different from human-generated content in that it can be biased, ill-informed, or written by a dog.

Getting a Grip on ChatGPT

by  Barbara Fister and Alison J. Head on May 4, 2023, in  Inside Higher Ed

It compares the academic reactions to the rise of ChatGPT to that of Wikipedia’s. Its conclusion:  

No doubt, after a paroxysm of alarm about ChatGPT, college instructors will find ways to help students learn how to think critically and write clearly without assigning essays that a chat bot could write. […]  We should consider how we can play a greater role in deciding what happens to our knowledge environments rather than leaving it up to a handful of big tech companies.

11 Tips to Take Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Level

by David Nield  on March 26, 2023, in Wired

Tips include the output in a table, styleóing as a known author, setting restrictions, defining the audience, producing prompts for AI engines, providing examples, getting a list of arguments from both sides…

How To Write Effective ChatGPT Prompts in 2023: Tips and Tricks

by  Sue Dunlevie on May 8, 2023, in BloggingTips

Including prompts 50-100 words, having a library of prompts, convers/speaking to ChatGPT, using clear and concise language, setting the parameters straight (purpose too), using chain prompting for complex topics, specific response type/format

ChatGPT vs. Bing Chat: Which AI chatbot should you use?

by Elena Alston on May 16, 2023, at Zapier

Comprehensive comparison with a focus on integration with Zapier’s products. Conclusions include

  • ChatGPT has more powerful integrations and plugins, transforming it into a highly efficient assistant
  • Bing AI can generate images using DALL·E, but ChatGPT is better at generating long-form content
  • If you want a powerful research tool that’s integrated with a web browser (and which shines in terms of in-depth page insights, image generation, and citing reputable sources), Bing Chat is your best bet. 
  • If, however, you want to have an AI-powered personal assistant that can perform actions for you in different apps, there’s no contest: ChatGPT wins because of its suite of plugins. 

7 tips for using ChatGPT to enhance SEO (without replacing people)

by Sara Lebow on  Mar 10, 2023, in  Insider Intelligence

The tips: Brainstorm content ideas; Create outlines and first drafts; Enhance your titles with AI; Proofread content; Brainstorm technical terms; Translate keywords; Remember the risks

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