Category: Drupal

Drupal's Biblio module, aka Drupal Scholar

When I was setting up, which is essentially a bibliograhy and a blog on a single scholarly topic, I considered using Drupal’s Biblio module. I knew that it was supposed to do exactly what I wanted, but at the time I wanted to learn how to use Views, so I didn’t utilize this resource. Let me quote the essential...

Bay Area Drupal Camp 2011

Registration for the 2011 Bay Area Drupal Camp opened last night (instead of on the 5th as originally planned. By signing up in the middle of the night  I became the 36th registered user/attendee. The event will be at UC Berkeley October 21-23. It promises nothing less then “A culmination of the brightest Drupal minds in the technology hub of the world.”...

Drupal Learning Journal 25. Drupalcamp summary

Now that I logged my learning of the Drupalcamp I attended (1, 2, 3) I can also summarize my impressions of the whole event. First of all I am very happy that I went, because I learned a lot and were among people. I don’t do enough of the latter nowadays. I am a bit disappointed as I didn’t socialize at all,...

Drupal Learning Journal 24. Drupalcamp, day 2, afternoon

I was torn what competing session I should start off the afternoon of the second day of Drupalcamp at Stanford. After hearing about “greyboxing” yesterday for the first time I was tempted to go to Floor Vahn’s session on “The Art of Wireframing: Using the Greybox Model to Visualize the User Experience.” But when at the description of the session I found the...

Drupal Learning Journal 23. Drupalcamp, day 2, morning

The morning sessions of the Drupalcamp at Stanford is over and I am rushing to write it up before the afternoon sessions are starting. First I attended Harris Rashid’s (another Chapter Three employee) “Theme preprocess functions in template.php” session about “How to intercepts data coming from core and modules and customize them for your own needs.” It was a very hands...

Drupal Learning Journal 22. Drupalcamp day 1

I am at my first Drupalcamp (a conference where training and discussion on Drupal is happening) ever and loving it. It is at Stanford. This morning, I wanted to check directions and parking instruction on the event’s site, but they changed the design and it was so bad that I couldn’t read anything on it. I should have taken a screenshot of...

Drupal Learning Journal 21. Ubercart 2

I spent more time working with Ubercart, a drupal ecommerce tool and couldn’t help learning a few things. 🙂 I wanted to create custom invoices as part of the ordering, order management process. I got that far that I made a modified version of  the /sites/all/modules/ubercart/uc_order/uc_order-customer.tpl.php file, but it didn’t want to show up in the GUI as an invoice template I...

Drupal Learning Journal 20. Ubercart +

I am in a very active stage of developing a drupal ecommerce site with Ubercart. I suspect the next few “Drupal Learning Journal” messages will relate to that. Here are a few tidbits from the rounds I did today. I finally manged to configure a WYSIWYG option for textboxes from scratch. (I.e. exactly those word style formatting buttons show up at...

Drupal Learning Journal 19. A Book of Videos

There is an yet-unsolved bug in the Media module (for Drupal 7) that prevented us from making the video gallery of a site work that we ported from one host to another. The issue has been documented and discussed here, here, here and here. We couldn’t wait any longer so I worked out a relatively simple substitute. There were only a...

Drupal Learning Journal 18. Field Permissions, Password Strength, Editable Grid

I have been slowly working on several sites and in the process discovered some useful modules. Field Permissions “allows site administrators to set field-level permissions.” Why would you need such a thing? The idea is that certain fields could be viewed by certain roles only. E.g. I decided to add the distributors of the films I am listing at my...