SEO daily links: new Google analytics, Google+ rapture, social sharing stats

Today’s links with my comments in italics:

  • Klaas Knook gives advice on how to use the new Google Analytics’ dashoard.
    When I am ready to switch to the new GA this will be a good starting point on how to use the new features for maximum efficiency.
  •  Greg Sterling asked Does Google+ Rapture Indicate “Pent-Up Demand” For Facebook Alternative?
     As I still have an academic interest in religion I notice religious language when it pops up. Calling the arrival of Google+ a “rapture” puts the technology into an unexpected context. Many of us have been waiting for Google’s social networking offer, but I didn’t assume that it would be something that can save us. The article is a solid analysis of the aftermath of this feeling, after the tool is available. The analogy to religious terms stopped at the title though.
  • Greg Finn shared BrighEdge’s analysis and metrics of the usage of “Facebook like” and “Google +1” buttons.
    As I expected: Facebook still leads, but G+1 is catching up. I didn’t think though that Twitter plugin would be so underutilized.

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